Wednesday, January 2, 2008

CSF Leak! ::::: Interview Questions

CSF Leak! :::::
Interview Questions
What drains from your nose isn't just blood or mucus. It's CSF!

Each week, NurseKnowledge will try to answer some of the questions.
So don't forget to return to this page and see the answers.
If you know the answers to some of the questions
or if you want to give sample answers,
please post your comments
in the comments link.
Thank you!!!

Source: Mrs. Maria Thelma Servidad, RN, MAN
Emailed by Erwin Capalla

1. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
2. What do you bring to this position? How do you stand out from the other applicants?
3. What attracts you to this facility? To this position? What do you hope to get out this experience?
4. How would you describe your ideal job? Your ideal work environment?
5. Why are you leaving your current position?
6. What did you particularly like about your last position?
7. What’s your most important professional achievement?
8. Who are your career models and why?
9. How do you set priorities at your work?
10. Do you have any time management tricks other nurses could benefit from?



1. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
2. What do you bring to this position? How do you stand out from the other applicants?
3. What attracts you to this facility? To this position? What do you hope to get out this experience?
4. What’s your most important professional achievement?
5. How do you set priorities at your work?
6. Do you have any time management tricks other nurses could benefit from?
7. What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in your career?
8. How do you keep up with the latest information in your field?
9. What are your goals in terms of going back to school becoming certified, taking an management responsibilities?
10. can you give an example of a time you were a leader?
11. What do you think are the most challenging aspects of meeting client’s needs?
12. Can you describe a time your work was criticized and how you handled it?
13. If you were offered your last job again today, would you take it?
14. How have you kept up with the changes in the profession?
15. What’s your most important achievement as a student?
16. Did your clinical experience include putting in a urinary drainage catheter or starting an intravenous line access? Inserting or removing a nasogastric tube, or caring a client with one?
17. What was your favorite clinical experience? Least favorite? Why?
18. What types of charting systems have you used? What do you like about them? What do you dislike?
19. What new technology have you used in school, such as personal digital assistant (PDAs): examples: personal computer, palm pilots, computerized charting?
20. Are you on-line often? What are your favorite sites for reliable health care information?


::Next week, we'll answer some of the questions. Check back soon. If you know the answers, share it with everyone. Just click on the comments link below and post your answers.

Capalla, Erwin. Retrieved January 2, 2007.65 Interview Questions. Personal Communication (Email).

Copyright © 2007. Read.Learn.Excel.

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